Conference Topics
A. Big data in educational learning analytics
B. Digital and virtual learning environments and spaces
C. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in educational applications
D. Educational Extended Reality (XR)
E. Digital literacy and learning
F. Pedagogical uses of digital technology
G. STEM education and curriculum development
H. Educational technology
I. ICT in education
J. E-Learning
K. Innovative testing and evaluation
L. Technology use in pre/in-service teacher education
M. Adult education
N. Distance and online education
O. Emerging technologies in education
P. Engineering in Education and Application
Q. Human Computer Interactions
R. K-12 Education
S. University/College Education
T. Cognitive, Affective, and Social Aspects of Teaching and Learning
U. Teacher Training/Education
V. Teaching/Learning Strategies
W. Methodologies for Educational Research
X. Knowledge and Learning Management Systems
Y. Music/Pedagogical Issue
Z. Other fields about emerging technologies in education