Keynote Speakers
Yoshihiro Okada, Ph.D
Director of Innovation Center for Educational Resources (ICER), Kyushu University Library, Japan
Topic Speech: Research and Development for E-Learning Materials - Activities of ICER (Innovation Center for Educational Resources), Kyushu University
Dr. Jerry Chih-Yuan Sun
Distinguished Professor and Director, Institute of Education / Center for Teacher Education, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Associate Editor, IEEE Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology (ESCI) and Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI)
Topic Speech: Applying Intelligent Biofeedback to Enhance Learning Motivation
Charles Tijus, Ph.D
Professor Université Paris 8 - UFR de Psychologie, France
Editors-in-Chief, Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies (EIET)
Topic Speech: Massive Online Open Courses as Smart Things
Michael Shane Tutwiler, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, University of Rhode Island, U. S. A
Editors-in-Chief, Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies (EIET)
Topic Speech: Toward a Framework for Robust Design Based Research